Michael McCord

Senior Software Developer / DevOps Manager

I’m a highly motivated, result driven developer. I’m honest about what I don’t know while I work hard to gain the knowledge I need to do the work and answer the questions at hand. I consider the most important question in engineering to be “Why?” I believe failure in engineering is always an option, but only when something valuable is learned. I communicate well and that facilitates my working well in a team environment. However, I am capable of working alone too. I constantly work to educate myself on subjects I feel can bring improvement in quality or efficiency to my work or to that of my team-mates. While in college I triple majored. Most people find my third major choice unusual. While computer science and mathematics go hand-in-hand, theatre is somewhat out of place. In the end, it was something I wanted to do and I believe it helped to improve my communication skills and confidence.

Work Experience

Symplr (TractManager)

Lexington, KY
DevOps Manager
Jan 2021 - Sep 2021

At the beginning of 2021, after the acquisition of TractManager by Symplr, I was promoted to DevOps Manager and was put in charge of managing our AWS environments.

  • Designed and was the primary contributor on our HITRUST AWS environments
  • Re-designed our CI/CD pipeline for HITRUST utilizing Helm, Docker, ArgoCD, and Drone
  • Intoduced the team to the Kubernetes Operator pattern
  • Re-designed our use of secrets to eliminate the need for a human-in-the-loop by utilizing the Kubernetes external-secrets project and AWS Secrets Manager. This will eventually be utilized by our Kubernetes operators as well.


Lexington, KY
Senior Software Developer
2018 - 2021

I was a senior software developer working on Capital 2.0, the Analytics Platform, and Gift Alert. I also split my time between working on those products and being the primary DevOps contributor (and often times the only contributor) on those products as well as the Hayes product.

  • Contributor on the Capital 2.0 product front-end and back-end
  • Contributor on the Analytics Platform back-end. I Introduced the team to Microsoft Orleans and implemented the base level framework on which the analytics platform was built.
  • Built and designed the CI/CD pipeline for Capital 2.0, the Analytics Platform, Gift Alert, Hayes products.
  • Utilized Helm, Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins, and Terraform to reliably deliver applications (more than 1,407 releases)
  • Introduced the team to Martin Fowler's "Practical Testing Pyramid."


Lexington, KY
Senior Software Developer
2017 - 2018

I was a Senior Software Developer working on the Office Communication Manager and Key Exchange Service software systems for the positive train control initiative.

  • Responsible for maintaining communication and routing software dealing with industry specific communications protocols: ITCSM and EMP
  • Responsible for evaluating and ensuring application and communication security within protocol specifications
  • Refactored the KES product for unit testing and maintainability (Constructor Injection, NUnit, AAA testing, etc)


Lexington, KY
Senior Software Developer
2015 - 2017

I was a software developer on the Episode of Care platform, a high performance big-data analytics platform targeting health insurers. I also helped develop a new prototype platform based on Elasticsearch, Spark, Scala, GraphQL, ASP.NET Core, and Angular.

  • Completed a major refactoring of the Legacy EoC platform for a performance improvement of 89%
  • Designed an analytics query language based on JSON and GraphQL
  • Designed a new analytics system based on modern analytics platforms

HP Exstream

Lexington, KY
Senior Software Developer
2008 - 2015

I started as a software developer on the core HP Exstream product which is now known as HP Exstream Design and Production. It is a legacy C/C++ code base of a million plus lines of code involving a suite of software which runs on Windows, Unix, Linux, HPUX, Z/OS, etc. The software is centered around the design and production of automated documents with an emphasis on high volume print runs. Performance was the name of the game. I worked primarily on the front-end of the software on the GUI team using MFC. I also worked on the “Live” document portion of the suite which is used to make automated documents which are modifiable on the fly by knowledge workers for the purpose of instant fulfillment and distribution.

Subsequently I moved on to working with HP Relate. HP Relate is a document automation platform on the Salesforce app exchange with a Flex front-end and Java/REST based back-end hosted on the AWS cloud platform. While working on HP Relate I have worked server side and client side.

The latest project that I have worked on is HP Empower. Empower is a large HTML5 application of ~70k lines of Javascript code. It’s a code base built on HTML5, AngularJS, and JQuery with a Java/REST back-end.

  • Participated in the launch/release of a major cloud product: HP Relate
  • Experience working in a large Javascript client side code base of ~70k lines of code
  • Participated in 3 major releases of a large legacy product suite: HP Exstream Design and Production and HP Exstream Live
  • Took the helm on a large refactoring of the undo/redo system in HP Exstream Design and Production

Haverstick Consulting

Lexington, KY
Software Developer
2007 - 2008

Custom Business Application Developer on the .NET platform with an emphasis on database and ASP.NET 2.0 development. Worked with multiple clients with work that included migrating applications from ASP to ASP.NET 2.0, working with DNN (Dot Net Nuke) and working with SQL Server 2000, and SQL Server 2005.

Whalen & Company

Cynthiana, KY
Web Developer
2004 - 2007

Developed website in ASP.NET 1.1 and created a custom content management system specifically tailored to the real estate industry and more specifically, Whalen and Company. Also utilized the RETS (Real Estate Transaction Specification) protocol to integrate listings from the local MLS (Multiple Listing Service).


Bachelors of Science

Computer Science, Mathematics,

Theatre and Performance Studies

Georgetown College
2004 - 2008
I graduated with a triple major in Computer Science, Mathematics, Theatre and Performance Studies and a 3.75 GPA.

Professional Skills

Top Skills



As someone who started their career on the .NET platform and spent years writing code on the WIN32 C API, I am well versed in Windows platform development at both a low-level and using more modern frameworks with higher-level abstractions. I am also well versed in C# Web Development utilizing MVC and ASP.NET Core.


While working for HP Extream I had the opportunity to work on a document editing platform called Empower consisting of 70k odd lines of JavaScript code. I'm familiar with JavaScript client side development tool chains. While working for RemitDATA I've also had the opportunity to work with Angular4, WebPack, and TypeScript.


While working for RemitDATA on a prototype product I've had occasion to brush up on the latest version of Angular, utilizing TypeScript, WebPack, and ASP.NET Core.


While working for HP Exstream on HP Relate and HP Empower I became well versed in Java web development and Java toolchains. Additionally, while working for RemitDATA I have had opportunity to work in Java with Hadoop and Spark.


While working for RemitDATA I had the opportunity to work on a prototype which featured Spark as one of the Analytics platforms.


Another analytics platform used on the prototype at RemitDATA was Elasticsearch. I became well versed in the internal workings of Elasticsearch while writing a plugin which had custom search and aggregation types.


As someone who spent six years in a C++/C code base of a million+ lines of code I've become well versed in working in complex C++/C multi-platform environments. I'm very familiar with MFC and the WIN32 API.


Before I came to TractManager I knew nothing about Kubernetes but quickly learned enough about it to be placed in charge of managing our systems which ran on this platform.


Before I came to TractManager I knew nothing about Docker but quickly learned enough about it to implement our CI/CD pipelines.


Before I came to TractManager I knew nothing about Helm I quickly learned enough about Helm to utilize it in designing and implementing our CI/CD pipelines.


While at TractManager I utilized Terraform for managing our AWS virtual infrastructure


I have used React on several personal and work projects and have become quite proficient. I highly recommend the material-ui framework

Other Skills

HTML5 Maven Gradle Git SVN IntelliJ IDEA
MVC ASP.NET Core GraphQL Scala Visual Studio Tomcat
Jenkins ArgoCD Drone Kubernetes Operators Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) AWS


Get in Touch

I can help with the following:

  • Advanced analytics
  • Front-end development with React
  • Back-end development with C#, Java, Scala, etc
  • UI development
  • Prototyping
  • SRE/DevOps

Drop me a line at or call me at .